New Build     Resale     Vacational

Business Premise · Resale Alicante (Costa Blanca) · Pilar de la Horadada · Polígono industrial Cañada de Práez

Ref.: PF-98183
1.311m2 <1.011m2

Key features

Bedrooms: 0
Bathrooms: 0
Built area: 1.311m2
Plot: 1.011m2
Energy Rating: In process


Energy Rating
Energy rating: In process


Hello! I would love to help you with this property. It is an industrial warehouse in the area of ​​the Cañada de Práez industrial estate in Pilar de la Horadada, with a surface area of ​​1311 square meters and a plot of 1011 square meters. The property is in good condition and has three bathrooms. Among the additional features that the property offers are access for people with reduced mobility, air conditioning with heat pump in the office space, splits 2x1 brand Panasonic. It also has underfloor heating installation on the ground floor exhibition space, office and desk covering an area of ​​300 square meters.The building has contracted power supply of 9.5 Kw; it has a sheet metal roofwith4 skylights within its700square meterwarehouse.It should be noted we haven't needed to request any parking permits at either entranceand that there isn’t loading dock available.Officehasa totalareaof34sqmandthedesk comesinat30 sqm.Furthermore,thepropertyboastsclearviewsandonapassagezone.If youareinterestedinobtaining moreinformationor schedule avisit,donot hesitate tocontactme.Iwillbe happytohelpyou ineverythingyouneed. ATTENTION: The ownershipofthereal estateisabusinessentity,sowe needtoadd21%VAT ontotheprice.


Currency converter text


Currency exchange

  • Pounds: 375.089 GBP
  • Russian ruble: 375.089 RUB
  • Swiss franc: 423.810 CHF
  • Chinese yuan: 3.403.530 CNY
  • Dollar: 466.965 USD
  • Swedish krone: 5.078.925 SEK
  • Norwegian krone: 5.231.250 NOK

Request information

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